大学英语作文2600字:A Respectable Professor,A Respectable Professor范文

英语作文范文 发布时间:2013/8/29

大学英语作文2600字:A Respectable Professor,A Respectable Professor范文

a respectable professor由英语作文网整理收集 文秘网 www.wenmi5.com

not all lectures serve as utilitarian tools. you have to turn to the perfect series of lectures on quantum mechanics presented by professor su rukeng to see a case in which the class plays an eclusively and purely academic role, providing you with motivation, inspiration and philosophy.
with medium stature, thick spectacles and insightful eyes,not only does professor su possess the typical characteristics of a learned man, but he is also a genuine scholar, which is reflected in his classes distinctly.
it is generally assumed that lectures on pure science delivered by a conventional scientist, usually indifferent and emotionless, are boring and etremely difficult in that the epression of such topics, if not sheerly descriptive, is inevitably and completely mathematical and analytical without lively pictures.however, that is not mr. sus style.
on the contrary, ranked among the most enjoyable and comprehensible lecturers, mr. su is characterized by the encyclope dic knowledge, the appreciable and vivid physical picture visual
ization, the intuitive and profound philosophical ideas and the eceptionally attractive burnout.
as a scientist engaged in the study of nature and the eplanation of the universe, mr. su seriously believes in the harmony and simplicity, as the fundamental essences, of the natural world, which compose the central motives of his ideology and are the real significance that we learn from him.
as a consequence, professor su, together with his etraor dinary creativeness and imaginativeness, eerts a strong influence upon us and greatly encourages us to ponder on the essence of the universe and our lives.

简 评
本文描写了作者的一个老师professor su。他的与众不同之处在于能把枯燥的纯理论课程讲得生动而有趣。作者首先描写了教授的外貌:medium stature,thick spectacles and insightful eyes,俨然是一个学者的形象;然后作者指出,与传统观念相反,professor su的课程能激发学生的灵感和求知欲。作者有一段这样的描写:mr.su is characterized by the encyclopedic knowledge,the appreciable and vivid physical picture visualization,the intuitive and profound philosophical ideas and the eceptionally attractive humour,几个并列的词组勾勒出教授的博学和风格。最后,作者提到了教授对自己的影响:激励自己思索宇宙和人生的真谛。
文章词汇丰富、用词准确,但不足之处是作者过分依赖长句。全文只有一个短句:however,that is not mr.sus style.一般来说,短句铿锵有力,适合用来突出或强调所表达的观点;长句适合表达较为复杂的观点或内容,描述性或理论性的内容。如果一个

a respectable professor由英语作文网整理收集 文秘网 www.wenmi5.com