大学英语作文1200字:生活的意义-The Meaning of Life

英语作文范文 发布时间:2011/2/20

大学英语作文1200字:生活的意义-The Meaning of Life

the meaning of life
people hold various opinions on the purpose of life. some think that they live for money, some for fame, some for fun. as to my opinion, i live for eperiences, for eperiences enable me to understand the true meaning of life.
the first reason of my belief is that money and fame are not adequate for leading a happy life. l see that many people obsessed with money and fame have no interest or time to enjoy family life, friend ship, sightseeing and things like that. money is important in life, but the money-only idea leads to a monotonous life. sometimes, etreme money seekers or fame followers violate the law and hurt others for that end. secondly, living just for fun is also unacceptable to me. humans are different from animals in that they have feelings and emotions. in variably avoiding sadness and anger only makes people dull and less sensible.
now i will come back to my pointliving for various eperiences, whether they are failures or successes, happiness or grieves. to learn from all the eperiences, to gain self-content in all the happenings, and to enjoy life from different angles, you will find your life worthwhile and meaningful.