
庆典致辞范文 发布时间:2011/1/25


developing enterprise, it should acquire four satisfactions, that is, satisfy the clients, satisfy the society, satisfy the employees and satisfy the stockholders. 人历来把人作为企业发展的第一要素,建造员工宿舍,员工子弟的奖学金 制度,员工的培训计划,合理的公司员工福利待遇,让进入的员工能踏实舒心地做好自 己的本质工作. huan always thinks employee as the first element for developing. by building lodging house, offering huan scholarship for employees children, making employee training plans and reasonable welfare, every worker of huan can do his job with sureness and satisfaction. 戴董事长常说:一家企业不仅仅是一个赚钱的机器,它还应该融合和回报社会,企业的 形象才会生动.通过建钟楼,幼儿园,学校,希望工程等公益事业,尽自己所有回报社 会. board chairman dai often says that, an enterprise is can not only be a machine of making money, but also should connect and respond the society, so to make a lively enterprise image. by building belfries, kindergarten, school and supporting commonweals like the hope project, huan has tried her best to respond the society. 孜孜不倦的追求,得到回报的是企业事业的发展,职工的信赖,社会的荣誉. 年 戴董事长被江苏省评为第二届江苏青春创业风云人物 . 年,又获得第三届中国经 济十大创新人物奖申环牌电缆也获得了中国驰名品牌中国知名品牌中国著 . , , 名品牌中国名优产品以及江苏省质量信用产品江苏省名牌产品江苏省 3a , , , 级重合同守信用企业银行资信 3a 级企业市重点保护产品等众多荣誉称号. , , unwearied pursue acquires the development of enterprise, trust from employees and credits from society. in , board chairman dai was named the 2nd jiangsu man of the time of vernal enterprising. in , he won the honor of the 3rd china top ten man of economic innovation. shenhuan cable was named the china resound brand, china famous brand, china famed brand, china ecellent product, jiangsu product of quality and credit, jiangsu famous product, jiangsu 3a level faithful corporation, 3a level enterprise of bank reference, wui major protected product, etc. 面对一个已走向成功的企业,戴董事长有着更多的感悟: 我坚信,有我们新老客户的长期关心与支持,围绕着四个满意,第一就是如何让我们的客户 满意,第二就是如何让我们的员工满意,第三个是如何让政府与社会满意,第四个是如何让 投资者满意.并且在管理上面完善我们的管理制度,使我们的整个管理流程更清晰,制度更 完善,公司围绕各种制度,建立了一种精细化管理,使我们的产品品质在工作中长期的一种 稳定. 通过我们公司全体员工的智慧与努力, 我们十年的五十个亿的目标一定能够实现. (结尾) in the face of an enterprise leading to success, board chairman dai has many sentiments: i believe, with the long-term care and support of all our clients, by revolving around the four satisfactions, satisfy our clients, our employees, the government and society, and the investors, perfecting our management system, making the flow more clear, setting up a fine management, and achieving the long-run stability of our product quality, with the wisdoms and efforts of all huan people, our goal of making 5 billion yuan in ten years is sure to realize. 望碧水长天,倍感任重道远,听惊涛恋岸, 更激起弄潮豪情.如今,站在新世纪的起点, 人肩负着品牌之旅的使命,与时俱进,向着绚烂夺目的明天,劈波斩浪,乘风远航! look over skyey water, feeling heavy responsibilities on shoulder; hear waves dashing against the shore, arousing lofty sentiments of racing in the tides. now, standing at the start line of new century, huan people are shouldering the task of tour of brand for the brilliant future. she is advancing with times, and buffeting her way through the waves in the longer voyage.