
英语作文范文 发布时间:2011/10/29


社会问题据权威机构调查显示,,我国空调总产量为2500万台,而市场容量仅为1500万台。空调已经成为继vcd、彩电后又一个家电企业了拼的市场。于是空调厂家坐不住了,打折、送礼品,甚至出现了空调论斤卖的怪事。近日,空调企业又想出了新花样:举办空调流行趋势发布会。面临巨大的竞争压力,多数空调生产厂家都意识到了自己生存的危机, 他们不得不推出新产品以占据消费市场。同时,许多空调大企业都声称他们不会去挑起空调价格战。但是,——will there be an air -- conditioner “price battle” this year?there is a discussion in a newspaper on the issue. write an essay to the newspaper.1) giving a brief introduction to the issue,2) stating your view about the “price battle”, and3) justifying your prediction.you should write about 200 words neatly on answer sheet 2.with the rapid advances in the standard of living of the chinese people in recent years, air -- conditioners have joined other household electrical appliances as items in great demand. however, output has far eceeded supply, as manufacturers have scrambled for sales in this profitable market. as a result, fierce competition has driven them to resort to all sorts of measures to pull ahead of their rivals and avoid going bankrupt.these measures include aggressive advertising campaigns, offering a free gift with every purchase of an air -- conditioner , and - - most important of all – lowering prices. price wars are a common phenomenon whenever supply outstrips demand in a free – market economy, and china’s newly liberalized economy is no eception. nevertheless, i do not think we will see a repeat of the recent price war in the air – conditioner market this year.i have three reasons for my prediction. the first is that the earlier round of price – cutting eliminated the less – efficient manufacturers from the industry; so there are fewer companies supplying the market. the second is that the government has taken measures to regulate the air – conditioner market, eliminating the chaos that price wars entail. and the third is that with china’s admission to the wto, manufacturers will have to offer more attractive – not cheaper – products.