初中英语作文800字:Li Ming showed him around(对话),Li Ming showed him around(对

英语作文范文 发布时间:2017/10/21

初中英语作文800字:Li Ming showed him around(对话),Li Ming showed him around(对

li ming showed him around(对话)英语作文网为您收集 论文网 lunwen5.com situation: li li ming lives in shanghai. last week his uncle came to visit him. li ming showed him around. he showed his uncle the great changes in shanghai.
l: welcome to shanghai, uncle!
u.. thanks. i havent been here for 5 years.
l. do you miss shanghai?
u. yes, of course. great changes have taken place in shanghai since i left five years ago.
l. sure, look! there used to be dark and small houses here.but now theres a big park.
u: how beautiful it is!
l: lets go to the park now.
u: thats a good idea. wheres the ticket office?
l: oh, tell you the truth. the park is free.
u: really. that s good !
l: in fact, in shanghai more and more parks are free of charge.
u: it s quite good.

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