初中英语作文1400字:为妈妈打工-Working for My Mother,为妈妈打工-Working for My M

英语作文范文 发布时间:2014/9/24

初中英语作文1400字:为妈妈打工-Working for My Mother,为妈妈打工-Working for My M

为妈妈打工-working for my mother 英语作文网为您收集 作文网 345543.com

the summer vacation began. i wanted to make money for the net tenn. but i had no chance to do so.
at that time, my mother was writing a book, and she needed a person to type for her. i decided to work for her for pay. my mother agreed, but she asked me to finish it on time. she paid me 5 yuan for 1000 words.
i began to type. it became difficult because i typed slowly.i finished the work two weeks later and i got 200 yuan for it. now i knew it was hard to make money.


the summer vacation began. i decided to work to make money for the net term. but i didnt know what work i could do.
at that time, my mother was writing a book. i decided to type for her for pay. she agreed and paid me 5 yuan for 1000 words.
i began to work. i typed so slowly that i could type only several hundred words a day. it was a hard job for me. i kept typing all day long.
i finished the work two weeks later. i came to know how hard it was to make money.


为妈妈打工-working for my mother 英语作文网为您收集 作文网 345543.com