小学英语作文1000字:我又迟到了(I Am Late Again)

英语作文范文 发布时间:2019/2/9

小学英语作文1000字:我又迟到了(I Am Late Again)

i opened my eyes in the morning and looked at the clock. "oh, dear! its half past seven already. ill be late again," i thought. without breakfast, i hurried to school. but it began to rain hard.

when i got to the classroom, the maths teacher had already begun his lesson. it was mr wang. all of us were afraid of him. i didnt like him, or his lessons. i opened the door. " im late again, mr wang.""ive told you not to be late, but you ..." he said angrily. but suddenly he stopped, and looked at my clothes. he quickly took off his own jacket and handed it to me. "now take off your wet coat and put shis one on." he said kindly.

it was a bit large for me, but i felt warm in it.



