初中说明文1200字:How To Send and Recieve an E-mail

说明文范文 发布时间:2018/7/2

初中说明文1200字:How To Send and Recieve an E-mail

i love e-mails. and i love sending and recieving e-mails.e-mail lets us send and recieve message around the world at seconds.do you want to send or recieve an e-mail on the internet?can you do that on the internet? if you cant,let me help you.
getting started
1.turn on the computer and connect to the internet.
2.choose the e-mail botton.sometimes you can see a picture of an envelope or a letter,please click on it.youll find some pictures and words,its the e-mail “menu”.
sending an e-mail
1.click on “compose/send ”.
2.click on “to”.then type the adress of the person you want to recieve an e-mail.
3.click on“subject”.type a few words to discribe your message.
4.click on“message”.its a big and empty bo.you can type what you want to see.
5.click on“send”.congratulations! your message will be sent to the person you adress.
revieving an e-mail
1.click on“recieve”.youll see a list of e-mails that someone has sent to you.choose an e-mail to read.
2.click on“close ”when you have read.

well, thats all.can you want to do it?
please tell me when you have recieved an e-mail from your good friend.

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