
礼仪大全范文 发布时间:2011/9/10



1 how to agree strongly with an opinion
i couldnt agree more!
thats absolutely true!
i take your point.
id go along with you there.
im with you on that.
thats just what i was thinking.
thats a good point.
thats just how i see it.
thats eactly my opinion.
2 how to half agree with an opinion
well, yes.
yes, in a way.
yes, i agree up to a point.
well, youve got a point there.
theres something in that,i suppose.
i guess you could be right.
yes, i suppose so.
thats worth thinking about.
3 how to disagree politely with an opinion
i am not sure really.
do you think so?
well, it depends.
im not so certain.m.nayishi.com
well, im not so sure about that.
im inclined to disagree with that.
no, i dont think so really.
4 how to disagree strongly with an opinion
i disagree.
i disagree with you entirely.
im afraid i dont agree.
im afraid you are wrong there.
i wouldnt accept that for one minute.
you cant really mean that.
you cant be serious.
you must be joking.